Quota limitations for SQL Managed Instance

Last week I worked on a new issue, the customer was not able to create Managed Instance, they got this error message:
Managed Instance is not available for the chosen subscription and region. Please try again with some other subscription or use Microsoft Support to request region access.

Limitation for Managed Instance based on subscriptions
Firstly I found this link that explained some limitation for MI like SQL Managed Instance currently supports deployment only on the following types of subscriptions:
· Enterprise Agreement (EA)
· Pay-as-you-go
· Cloud Service Provider (CSP)
· Enterprise Dev/Test
· Pay-As-You-Go Dev/Test
· Subscriptions with monthly Azure credit for Visual Studio subscribers
You also can check if that server/product supports in certain region from here

It was not their case, let me tell you about the easier way you check limitation in your subscription and how you can raise request for Microsoft to increase that.
(1) Select “Support + Troubleshooting” from Managed Instance page.
You can search it from the search box in the left side.

(2) Create a support request
Select “Service and subscription limit” then like the following screenshot then choose “Create a support request”

(3) Select “Issue and Quota type”
In the next page select “Issue type/Subscription/Quota type” then click on next button.

(4) Request Details
In the next tab “3.Additional Details” from the first part choose Request details and like the following screenshot choose Quota details, as you can see based on the subscribing and region which you choose there is limitation for the service and you can put your new limit and fill other field in “Additional details” then submit it.

What is quota limitations for SQL Managed Instance deployments?
But what’s that limitation? As Microsoft also explains this here
SQL Managed Instance has two default limits: limit on the number of subnets you can use and a limit on the number of vCores you can provision. Limits vary across the subscription types and regions. For the list of regional resource limitations by subscription type, see table from Regional resource limitation. These are soft limits that can be increased on demand. If you need to provision more managed instances in your current regions, send a support request to increase the quota using the Azure portal. For more information, see Request quota increases for Azure SQL Database.