Don’ not see Start stop button in managed instance?

Microsoft had an awesome news in November 2022 for those who use managed instance. You can stop/start instance from Azure Portal or PowerShell. That’s a huge change as you can save on billing costs when you're using Azure SQL Managed Instance. See all details here.

As I saw the clients asked this question a few times I decided to tell a bit about this option this week.
Why I don’ not see Start stop button in my managed instance?
Firstly, as here Microsoft mentioned:
The stop and start feature for managed instances is currently in preview and available only for:
· Managed instances in the General-Purpose service tier.
· Managed instances with the November 2022 feature wave enabled. For more information, see Enroll in the November 2022 feature wave.
That means if you use business critical tier, you’re not eligible to use this option yet!
Another point is for using new features, your instance will need to be moved from the VNet subnet it is currently using to a new compatible subnet, you may notice about the below message on your manage instance page in Portal, if you want click on the message and see how you can enrol for this feature.

In the next page you’ll see the following details then by clicking on “Open Virtual Network” button you can move to compatible subnet, be aware that you might need to create new subnet.

The Subnet blade will be open and you’ll see the current subnet and the list of those subnet which are eligible, if you don’t have any, you need to create new one and move MI to that.

Here is the list of some article from Microsoft which might be helpful.
How to enrol in Nov 22 feature wave for Azure SQL MI Enroll in November 2022 feature wave - Azure SQL Managed Instance | Microsoft Learn
Stope and start in instance Stop and start an instance (preview) - Azure SQL Managed Instance | Microsoft Learn
How to optimize cost of managed instance Optimize cost of SQL Managed Instances with new stop-start capability (